
Ocieplenie klimatu - konsekwencje dla zwierząt gospodarskich

11 lutego, 2021 10:30:00

dr hab. Marcin Taciak


Streszczenie pracy:

Changes in livestock production, resulting from the increase in temperatures and modification of the size and frequency as well as periods of rainfall, will have multiple impacts on the size, efficiency, methods of livestock farming and its regionalization. Regardless of the assessment of these phenomena, a number of administrative and organizational works, research and investment outlays need to be adapted. This is connected with additional costs, not included in the agricultural policy or operational programs to date. In field crops, floods or droughts are natural threats related to climate change, and in animal production, apart from the direct effects of these phenomena, there are a number of production hazards caused by a much lower intensity of climatic parameters. Natural disasters have also an impact on animal production which has a much stronger course and effect. Even if it concerns only the livestock object itself, it still translates into animals. In a drastic course, it leads to their death, regardless of whether it is a flood or a long-term thermal stress. Thus, in herds using a closed cycle, and thus having an animal reproductive element in their structure, spontaneous renewal of production is not possible.
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