The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Polish Academy of Sciences


Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, published quarterly
by the Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Journal Citation Reports for 2023
obtained the Impact Factor:
IF = 1.4
IF5 =1.3
We would like to thank the members of the Editorial Board, authors
and reviewers, for their commitment.
At the same time, we invite you to publish in our Journal.

Memorial of Prof. Ph.D. Aleksandra Ziołecka (1924-2024)

We will remember Prof. Ziołecka as very cheerful, modest, noble and righteous person, who was endlessly devoted to science, family and friends.
She was the perfect organiser, tutor and mentor
for many generations of Institute’s employees.
Her kindness, politeness and respect for each
and every person will stay with us forever.

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The newest scientific project of scientists our Institute 2024

As part of the consortium with the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Tomasz Misztal, Prof. Ph.D. from our Institute will carry out a research topic entitled: “Analysis of transcriptomic signatures in the course of leptin resistance in sheep” (OPUS 26, financed by the National Science Center).

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Lectures and presentations of the research results of scientists during cyclical seminars 

As part of seminars organized by Dr. Bartosz Osuch, Ph.D from the Department of Animal Physiology, scientists from our Institute and other scientific centers present, among others: results of scientific works.

27. Science Festival  in the Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition Polish Academy of Sciences

On September 15-29, 2023 the 27. Science Festival will take place. Scientists from our Institute are also taking part in this event. The topics of lectures and festival lessons are available at the official Festival website.

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XXVII Zootechnical Workshsops

On October 7 and 8, 2023, the XXVI Zootechnical Workshops “New challenges in animal breeding and husbandry in practice” were held, organized by the Management Board of the Warsaw PTZ Circle. The workshops were held at the Lubuskie Agricultural Advisory Center in Kalsk and the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Karina and Tomasz Jakil in the village of Ługi in the Otyń commune. The seminar and poster session and the stay on the farm were inspiring and interesting also for scientists from our Institute.

AAALAC  accreditation the Large Animal Models Laboratory

We are honoured to announce that Association for assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International Council has admitted the LAML the full AAALAC accreditation.

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We care about the nutrition quality

Our goal is to care about the quality of animal nutrition. We have been doing this for 68 years. We conduct basic research and development activities in the field of animal nutrition physiology, metabolism and the usage of nutrients and biologically active substances present in feed, as well as in the field of neuroendocrinology, endo-crinology of growth, development and reproduction of livestock and laboratory animals.

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