The Kielanowski Institute of
Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Polish Academy of Sciences

The newest scientific projects of scientists our Institute in 2024
Project submitted in the OPUS 27 competition entitled:
“A comprehensive assessment of exposure to microplastics in the diet
– intergenerational metabolomics research
on the Japanese quail model”
received funding from the National Science Center.
The project manager is PhD DSc Agnieszka Białek of The Kielanowski Institute
As part of the consortium with the Warsaw University of Technology, Andrzej Herman Prof. PhD DSc eng. from our Institute will carry out a research topic entitled:
“Rhodiola rosea extract enriched with selected plant-derived compounds as a modulator of the diabetic wound healing process“
(competition OPUS 27, financed by the National Science Center).
The project manager is PhD DSc eng. Anna Herman
(Warsaw University of Technology)

International Conference „International masterclass of donor management, kidney procurement and preservation for transplantation” (15-16.11.2024 r., WUM)
see more»
(7-11 November 2024, Berlin)
XXXIV International Poultry Symposium PB WPSA “Science for Practice – Practice for Science” (16-18 September 2024, Lublin)
As part of the J. Będkowski Young Scientists Competition, vet. Dominika Szkopek from our Institute received the award for her oral presentation in English entitled “Association between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, cannabidiol and gut response in broiler chickens under immune stress induces by various challenge conditions”.
VIII Conference “Animals in Scientific Research” (4-6 September 2024, Olsztyn)
The conference was attended by Dr. Jarosław Woliński and vet. Dominika Szkopek, who gave a lecture entitled “Postoperative pain – should we really worry about it?” during Session III entitled “Animal welfare in an experiment with particular emphasis on pain”. Vet. Dominika Szkopek also co-led a workshop for participants entitled “Anesthesia and methods of pain relief in animals in procedures”.
X Jubilee TBR Meeting (12-14 September 2024, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw)
Researchers from our Institute took part in the 10th Jubilee TBR Congress organized at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw. The participants of the Congress listened to many interesting lectures on current research in the field of reproductive biology, and presented 6 posters presenting the results of research obtained recently at our institute.
Lectures and presentations of the research results of scientists during cyclical seminars
As part of seminars organized by Bartosz Osuch, Ph.D from the Department of Animal Physiology, scientists from our Institute and other scientific centers present, among others: results of scientific works.
“Kitchen laboratory” in the Magical Land kindergarten in Brwinów
As part of the popularization of science, PhD Karolina Wojtulewicz from our Institute conducted the “Kitchen Laboratory” classes with children from the Magical Land kindergarten in Brwinów. The children observed what color red cabbage juice has depending on the added substance, checked whether the banana has DNA, and made beautiful oil lavas. They learned how to make a note/report from the experiment and what is needed in the laboratory to make working in the laboratory safe.
On September 26, 2024, three “festival meetings” were held in the auditoriums of the Staszic Palace in Warsaw, during which scientists from our Institute gave lectures.
During the 28th Science Festival on September 24-25, 2024. The Institute hosted young people from the Heroes of Darnica Primary School No. 4 in Piastów and the Nicolaus Copernicus Primary School No. 1 in Błonie.
As part of the XXII Festival “Science with the Palace in the background” on 21.09-22.09.2024 on the premises of the Palace in Jabłonna, scientists from our Institute conducted the festival workshop “Food in the scientific light.
XXVII Zootechnical Workshops
On June 28-30, 2024, the XXVII Zootechnical Workshop entitled “Transfer of technological and scientific achievements to agricultural practice” was held. The organizer of the meeting was the Board of the Warsaw Branch of the PTZ. This year’s Workshops took place on two farms in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship.
see more »
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, published quarterly by the Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Journal Citation Reports for 2023
obtained the Impact Factor:
IF = 1.4
IF5 =1.3
We would like to thank the members of the Editorial Board, authors
and reviewers, for their commitment.
At the same time, we invite you to publish
in our Journal.
2nd Congress “Science for Society”, 9-10.06.2024, Warsaw University of Technology
Our Institute was represented by PhD DSc Jarosław Woliński, vet. Dominika Szkopek and vet. Katarzyna Roszkowicz-Ostrowska. PhD DSc Jarosław Woliński presented the research and development work carried out in the Laboratory of Large Animal Models.

Memorial of Professor Franciszek Przekop
deceased on July 13, 2024
Professor Franciszek Przekop will always remain in our memory and heart.
He passed away far too early, suddenly, unexpectedly.
This makes us realize how fragile life is.
Throughout his life, the Professor was guided by honesty,
He was open to other people. He knew how to listen
and never refused to help anyone.
Memorial of Professor Aleksandra Ziołecka
We will remember Professor Aleksandra Ziołecka as very cheerful,
modest, noble and righteous person, who was endlessly devoted to science, family and friends.
She was the perfect organiser, tutor and mentor for many generations
of Institute’s employees.
Her kindness, politeness and respect for each and every person
will stay with us forever.
We care about the nutrition quality
Our goal is to care about the quality of animal nutrition. We have been doing this for 69 years. We conduct basic research and development activities in the field of animal nutrition physiology, metabolism and the usage of nutrients and biologically active substances present in feed, as well as in the field of neuroendocrinology, endo-crinology of growth, development and reproduction of livestock and laboratory animals.